PAOrtho is dedicated to enabling Pennsylvania’s orthopaedic surgeons to devote themselves to their chosen profession. Your membership is the key to influencing and changing the practice of orthopaedic medicine; continued involvement will enable us to project a strong, unified voice.
We encourage all PA-based Orthopaedic Surgeons, Residents, Fellows, Advanced Practice Providers (Physician Associate, Nurse Practitioner, Physical Therapist, Orthopedic Registered Nurse Certified, Orthopaedic Technologist), and MD/DOs with a complementary specialty, to become members! Learn more about our Membership Categories
New member? Apply here
Renewing your membership? Pay your invoice through the member portal Members: You MUST log in to renew online. Your username is the email we have on file for you. Click here to reset your password. Need help? Give us a call at 717-685-3322.
Continuing Medical Education and Training Our Annual Meeting CME program features top national speakers with sessions specifically designed to keep Pennsylvania orthopaedic surgeons at the top of their game. By hosting luncheons, dinners, and various social events, PAOrtho provides opportunities to network and socialize with colleagues throughout the state. PAOrtho also provides educational opportunities for practice administrators' which include: coding, billing, and workers' compensation courses.
Access In conjunction with our lobbying firm, orthopaedic surgeons serving PAOrtho’s legislative and political action committees provide all Pennsylvania orthopaedic surgeons with access to PA legislators and policymakers. This is important because - like it or not - access to these people is the way to effect positive change on orthopaedic practice.
Representation As our most valuable membership benefit, orthopaedic surgeons across the state serve as your advocates and are highly dedicated to ensuring quality patient care by serving as an orthopaedic medical information resource to the Pennsylvania Legislature, the Governor’s office, and state regulatory agencies. PAOrtho is recognized as a credible source of information and data to decision makers in Harrisburg. The surveys and reports PAOrtho produces on orthopaedic practice patterns and the impact of skyrocketing liability insurance premiums on access to patient care are readily available to legislators and policymakers. Some examples include, the Physician Exodus and Malpractice Insurance Availability Survey, a workers' compensation practice expense study, and the Orthopaedic On-Call Coverage Survey.
Additional Benefits
- Registration & Advocacy for legislative issues that affect your practice at the state and local levels. Click here to see a list of our successes!
- CME available through the Annual Meeting
- Support for young surgeons through presentation opportunities at the Annual Meeting and Resident/Fellow awards
- PAOrtho and OrthoPAC are your strongest allies and the only organized grassroots association committed to affecting positive legislative change for the orthopaedic community.