Resident and Fellow Members

A Message from PAOrtho Resident Representatives

As a participant in a Pennsylvania orthopaedic surgery residency training program you are an automatic member of the Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Society (PAOrtho). PAOrtho is the voice of orthopaedic surgeons in the Commonwealth. As members, you are entitled to a variety of benefits and opportunities to enhance your training now and prepare for your career in the future.

By way of the Resident page on the Society's website we will strive to keep you up to date on information, events and opportunities available to you as a resident in Pennsylvania. We encourage you to take advantage of what the Society has to offer and to let us know if there is more this organization can do to serve you.

Scientific Paper Submission - Every year all practicing orthopaedic surgeons, residents, and fellows are invited to submit a research paper for presentation at our fall scientific meetings. The top three papers win an award!

OrthoPAC - Advocacy is an integral part of the Society's mission to serve orthopaedic surgeons and their patients throughout Pennsylvania. Be a vital part of that mission by contributing to the OrthoPAC. Any amount is welcome and appreciated.

Check back regularly for more information on what PAOrtho has to offer. 


Nick Bonazza, MD, MHA
PGY-5, Penn State Health 



Jim McKenzie, MD
PGY-4, Jefferson