
PA Orthopaedic Society Political Action Committee - OrthoPAC

There are few times in the past when the practice of medicine has been under assault as it is now. Skyrocketing medical liability costs nearly ended private practice in Pennsylvania several years ago, but through our grassroots legislative advocacy efforts, Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Society and the OrthoPAC fought back and preserved medical practice for all physicians.

Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Society and OrthoPAC are your strongest allies and your only organized grassroots association committed to effecting positive legislative change for the orthopaedic community. 

OrthoPAC exists to support state candidates for public office who understand medical issues and defend OrthoPAC’s legislative positions; to encourage orthopaedic surgeons and their spouses to individually participate in local fundraising and campaign efforts; to encourage an understanding of the nature of the legislative and political process, along with a candidate's position on important medical issues; and to further understanding of legislative and regulatory activity in Pennsylvania. 

Online OrthoPAC contributions are currently disabled while we do some maintenance. Contributions can be made via a check made out to: PA Ortho Society Political Action Committee

Mail to:
Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Society
1425 Crooked Hill Road
Box 60124
Harrisburg, PA 17106