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Venue ShoppingPA Orthopaedic Society: Medical Liability Venue Shopping Would Hike Costs, Threaten Care Feb. 4, 2019 news conference proposes blocking legislation The possible return of medical liability venue shopping, in a proposal now moving behind the scenes at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, threatens to plunge Pennsylvania into a crisis that could drive up medical liability insurance premiums while forcing medical professionals to leave the state. State lawmakers will join the Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Society at a Capitol news conference on Feb. 4 to discuss legislation meant to stop the change. Since 2002, Pennsylvania courts have not allowed medical liability “venue shopping” – the ability by plaintiffs to file suit in favorable courts, regardless of where an incident occurred. The rule, supported by lawmakers and then-Gov. Schweiker, ended a crisis that had been gripping the health care community since the late 1990s. In the ensuing 17 years, Pennsylvania’s medical liability system has operated under this common-sense rule, said POS President Asif Ilyas, MD. Click HERE to read the full press release.
The card explains TO PATIENTS what the new "venue shopping" rule could mean for them and the physicians in their community, then directly asks them to contact their State Representative to support House Bill 1063.